Healthy Lifestyle
Experts Talk

Dr. Varghese Punnoose specilaised in Child Psychiatry answers queris about ADHD. He is an MBBS and MD in Psychiatry from Government Medical College. He is Professor and Head of Department at Government Medical College, Kottayam, Kerala.
He authored a book ‘Manorogangal’, in malayalam, about Pshycatric disorders. There is one chapter on ADHD also. Read interview with him Is medication required for children with ADHD?

Dr. Mathew Varghese, a Public Health expert and orthopedic surgeon featured as a real-life hero by Bill Gates, was kind enough to answer the question in the mind of the readers. He spared time for an in-depth video interview about almost every issue relevant to a common man in the present scenarios. Read the interview with him on COVID-19