Nadia writes about her experience of interview with Lifestyle Today News

Remember the smiling Nadia Clarke’s interview with Lifestyle Today News two months back. Nadia wrote a blog about her visit to Anchal. She narratesĀ beautifully about how she felt about Being interviewed by me for Lifestyle Today News. You can also watch the videoĀ of the interview here. Given below is the quote from her blog.

I was interviewed by a lady and I cannot remember what I said as I panicked when she asked if my Dynavox could say ā€˜Namasteā€™ I tried but it could not pronounce the word.Ā  Imagine it, lots of people watching, camera crews, children excited and my Dynavox wonā€™t speak Hindi. How embarrassing!. Even though Sam Spelt it to me in sign language, I then typed it correctly but the lady who was interviewing me for Lifestyle TodayĀ  news did not recognise the word when she heard it. I panicked, and was swearing inside my head! I was on the Indian TV news! Argh!!! Luckily Sam saw the panic in my face and helped out, phew!!

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