Witness Solar Eclipse today in a short while
Watch solar eclipse today, June 10, 2021, people in the northern hemisphere will have the opportunity to witness the ring of fire . Viewers in parts of the eastern...
The Economic Benefit of Eco-Friendly Lifestyle
Is there any economic benefit of an eco-friendly lifestyle for common man? When you search online, there is hardly any information about the benefits of...
Employ more women in offshore jobs, says a new study
Women have greater level of happiness and participation than men in remote rotational works, Hence more recruitment of women in offshore jobs is required as...
The story of Pesaha Appam on Maundy thursday and recipe
Story of Pesaha Appam dates back when Israelite’s were in Egypt. Kerala St Thomas Christians prepare unleavened INRI appam on Maundy Thursday
M G George Muthoot: A Great Visionary And Philanthropist
On March 5th breaking news in a news channel that M G George Muthoot had passed away changed the day’s mood
3 WAYS TO avoid the disastrous effects of climate change
Avoid disastrous effects of climate change by living sustainable lifestyle. 2/3rd global greenhouse emission is from household consumption.
How to save for posterity?
In the 21st century, when predominantly nuclear family prevails, there is a rising tendency among parents asking why to save for posterity. We earn and...
Life at an old Age home during covid-19
Life at old age home during covid-19 is worth finding out, as the elderly are the most vulnerable victims of corona. We visited old age home
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ABOUT COVID-19: Dr. Mathew, a public health expert, answers
Dr Mathew Varghese answered essential questions about covid, as coronavirus pandemic gets infectious and affects the people of all age groups.