A day in the park and yoga

Well-Kept with a diversity of flora and fauna, the District Park of Janakpuri is one of the best parks for morning routines in Delhi. Therefore the best place for beginning the day in the park and yoga

Hence, from the break of dawn, people staying in the neighbourhood come to this Sprawling Park.

Not only the leafy foliage acts as the oxygen chamber but also the shady trees provide relief from the sweltering heat in summer.

As a result, in the green expanse people walk, jog, exercise, gym, play team sports and meditate.

1.25 Km longs tails for walks and jogs

Moreover, even on the most crowded day, this idyllic park provides quietness and solitude.

Fragrant and Medicinal Eucyalyptus

The Fragrance of the Eucalyptus fills the air throughout year. The intoxicating smell of the Saptaparani in the autumn evenings harbingers the winter.

Now that the pandemics slowed the lifestyle, the park repaired by itself. The monsoon made the park even prettier.

The grassy lawns are greener, and the flowers are in full bloom, unhindered by humans.

Walking barefoot

The paved paths make walking and jogging smoother. You don’t need shoes; you can walk barefoot unhurt on the 1.25 km long trail.


People of all age groups come here. Some come to relax and chatter, while others come to tone up their body and mind.

Some of them have been coming to the park for 40 years. They share a special bonding with the trees and the park dogs.

A permanent resident of the park and a friend of reqular visitors. Pampered with food.

Mynah, Crows, Sparrows, Pigeons and Squirrels are some of the permanent residents of this park.

Now that the traffic is less, you can listen to the birds chirping.

The leafty foliage to heal writers block

In addition, If you experience writer’s block, you can get healed when you walk through the shady paths covered by the canopy of tall, leafy Eucalyptus, Ashoka and peepal trees.

Besides the colourful foliage of the Amaltas, Gulmohar and Bougainville on the vast expanse of the parks provide a visual treat.

When you walk through the park, some people get noticed because of their unique mannerism in walking, jogging and meditating.

Padma Mayurasana/Lotus Peacock Pose

Mr Krishnan is one such regular visitor where for beginning the day in the park and yoga. He walks on the trails and does yoga on the grassy lawns.

Mayurasana/Male Peacock pose

Yoga is one way to remain healthy and maintain mental equilibrium in this pandemic.

Halasana/Plough pose

When we approached Mr Krishnan, he agreed to show us yoga asanas that will be beneficial for various diseases.

upta Konasana/Reclining Angle Pose

As a matter of fact, he said he never he allowed a video shoot of his daily yoga practice.

Matsyasana / Fish pose

Meanwhile as he demonstrated the yoga postures, we watched and listened to him with silence and concentration.  

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