Kerala needs 10 times more fund for rehabilitation
Same places were flooded in 1924 & 2018. Deluge of Kerala, 2018, is greater than that of 1924.Massive fund for rehabilitation is required.
When warriors of sea rowed their boats on hills and rescued thousands
From now on we will call them 'Our Fishermen'. This was not the situation until yesterday, Aug 18th, 2018. Tsunami and Ockhi destroyed their homes...
Kerala needs help, situation worse than Thailand
This flood in Kerala is probably the biggest flood after Noah's time. The flood is not getting over in a day or two. The calamity...
An overview of the flood situation in Pathanamthitta Kerala
If this post helps in saving at least one person from the flood in Kerala, my mission is accomplished. One of the worst-hit district in...
What happened when fashionable footwear became common in Kerala?
I don't know when footwear became so common in Kerala. Because if you google 'Kerala 1970' or 'Kerala 1975' you will see that there are...
5 fathers of science who were childless
Father of something, or fathers of science, refers to a man who initiated a concept, or invented a product, For instance, Mahatma Gandhi known as...
Recollecting the visit to Kuala Lumpur in 2008
Recently, while planning for a tour abroad I recollected how to plan tour itinerary was so different ten years ago, during a visit to Kuala...
Mobiistar XQ Dual and CQ: The wide-angled mobiles designed for selfie enthusiasts
Are you a Selfie enthusiast? Then definitely the newly launched Selfie-centric mobiles, Mobiistar XQ Dual and CQ, of Mobiistar are for you. Two weeks back...
10 reasons Why you must bicycle today, on world’s first ‘World Bicycle Day’
Today, June 3 has been declared as, the first, 'World Bicycle Day' by the UN. According to the UN declaration, one of the benefits of...
Alternative ayurvedic treatment for Knee Replacement
There is a general perception that Ayurvedic treatments are for rejuvenation, or 'to get refreshed'. And not for treatments like knee replacement. However, in my...