For 52 Days hospital is home for these ANGELS ON EARTH
The trending hashtag of health worker ‘We stay at work for you, please stay at home for us’ is being literally followed by angels on earth ike Aleyamma Philip, a nurse in Bharatpur in Rajasthan. Along with colleague, Rekha Rani, she is staying at her Primary Health Care Centre taking care of those in quarantine.
Since March 22nd, they haven’t gone home 35 km away in Jaipur. Rekha, a mid wife, has two little kids who are being taken care, back home by her parents.

Aleyamma, a Lady Health Visitor (LHV), identifies every new traveller to Bahaj block in Deeg district, in Bharatpur. So far, 300 have been quarantined in quarantine centres .
She visits them every morning to check on their condition. The health of the locals is also monitored.
Rekha and Aleyamma stay at the PHC and cook their own food. Aleyamma’s two grow up children, are with her husband Joseph in Jaipur. She finds solace in the video calls with her family.
No matter in which part of the world they are these Angels on earth are offering their services much beyond their calls of duty. On this Nurses Day we must spend a few minutes to remember the services of Nurses like Aleyamma.