A visit to Ayyappa temple r k puram
It was Chingam 1, the New Year of the Malayalam calendar and around 10:30 in the Morning when we reached Ayyappa temple R K Puram, in Delhi. Seveli, the daily ritual was about to begin.
Devotees were present standing barefoot on the hot concrete tiles waiting to pay obeisance to the deity. The daily procession of diety takes place three times around the temple every morning and evening.

The Ayyappa Temple at R K Puram is one of the well known Ayyappa temples in India. During the Sabarimala season, Devotees preparing to go on the Sabarimala pilgrimage, carrying the ‘erumudi’, visit here wearing the ‘Chandana-mala’.
The consecration of the Shrine, built in the Chera architecture style, took place on 30th April 1980. Twenty-five sculptors in this temple, carved in Kerala, took two years to complete. The stones for the construction were collected from the Barathapuza River.
The Kathakali Sculpture
A life-size sculpture of Kathakali dancer performing a mudra. There are some 20 main mudras or the hand signs and many small mudras that are the main element to performance the story. Katha means story and kali mean performance and art. The themes of the kathakali are from the religious legends and folk mythologies of the Hindu Puranas.
There is also Goddess Durga (Bhadrakali) and Sarpa Kavu for Nagas (with the installation of Nagaraja, Naga Yakshi and a Chithrakuda, representing all snakes).
The bells: According to ancient scriptures, the bell helps to give sound for keeping away evil forces, and the ringing of the bell is pleasant to God. The peaceful and sacred temple built in the pristine green expanse is a must-visit holy destination in south Delhi.
Read an earlier post about the historical and spiritual importance on Onatukara in Kerala. Click the link to read about the little know history and religous significance of this place in Travancore.