3 New year resolutions for people with arthritis
Every year we take new year resolution to give up a bad habit or to begin a good one. This years theme for World Arthritis Day on October 12th was “It is in your hand, take action” to live life to the fullest. Most of the people with arthritis, whom I know, put in lots of efforts so that they can keep in pace with the demands of the world and live life like normal human being. The excruciating pain, fatigue and disability are some of the hindrance for a arthritis patient. Some succumb to the condition, while other turn all the obstacles into opportunity. If those suffering from arthritis take some new year resolutions to improve their lifestyle then they too can live their life to the fullest.
Arthritis is becoming quite common in Delhi, especially after the yearly outbreaks of Chikungunya virus. People experience joint pain and difficulty to walk even a few months after they had Chikkungunya. Now a days, if you stagger, people inquire if you were suffering from Chikkungunya.
There is lot of commonality between Chikkungunya and Arthritis pain, and in some cases Arthritis pain and deformation are triggered after a Chikungunya attack. People of any age can get arthritis, but if you take some precautions you can avoid worsening of the condition. If you chart out a healthy lifestyle pattern for yourself, some of the damages get repaired and you can enjoy a normal lifestyle.
Most of the arthritis patients I meet have come up with their own creative methods to mitigate the pain. Some rely on allopathic medicines, others on Ayurveda and some on herbal remedies. They now know which food causes pain and which one relieves pain.
On this New Year, those suffering from arthritis should take the New year resolutions to live life to the fullest. Here are a few, new year resolutions, ideas based on the experience of those arthritis patients who have overcome all odds by following a healthy lifestyle:
Eat the right Food
Preferably follow a vegetarian diet, which is easier to digest. Some fishes are good, but egg and meat are better not to be consumed regularly. Have lots of water especially on an empty stomach.
And sometimes it is good to fast. Most religions have fasting period in the religious calendar. If you follow the fasting with discipline that will help relieve the pain. If you have never fasted in your life, then consult a doctor before fasting. Arthritis is an auto-immune disease where the body cells are attacking one another. Experts say that during fasting period the body cells get time to relax and repair.
Walking and Exercise
Of all the medicines, walking is the best prescription for arthritis. Some say that they walk instead of driving or riding a scooter. But that is not enough. Every day you must walk atleast 20 minutes, as part of fitness regime. Consult your doctor to find out how much time is recommended for your walking and exercise. Also find out if you are permitted to Jog. Walking is the best medicine for arthritis. If you walk atleast 5 days a week, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle. When you feel pain, doing exercise will mitigate the pain.
Meditation and Spirituality
Mental and spiritual well being is a crucial aspect of arthritis. The condition aggravates when one is mentally disturbed. Hence you should spend atleast an hour every day for Meditation. You must find the inner peace and the soul connect. Many patients with RA positive,and some even chronically bed ridden, claim to have been miraculously cured because of their belief in God. Some doctors recommend meditation for an hour daily. Being at peace with oneself and avoiding stress helps in coping with arthritis.