Delhi diwali…..The Day after festivity
Delhi lifestyle during diwali is the time for celebration, shopping and socializing. Diwali, known for the noise of firecrackers as Loud fireworks indicate the fervor of the season. According to Newspaper reports this year’s pollution was less; but noise was more on Diwali. I beg to differ on the analysis. In the area that I stay this years Delhi diwali was a noiseless affair compared to the loud fireworks of previous years. Read this post to find how to gain resistance from pollution in Delhi.
Low Decibel Diwali Festivity
The decibel of the sound of firework may differ from place to place. Our residential area consist of Bungalows with few occupants so the Diwali firework is a low key affair. Smoke and noise did not penetrate into the house. Unlike other Delhi diwali’s, yesterday’s night was as peaceful as any other night.
Today I went a little late to the park, because days break late as winter has set in; and the park, I thought, would be empty after late night Diwali celebration. To my surprise there were people of all age groups in the park and the green juice vendors were busily serving customers. There were some family with children playing on the swings and see-saws.
The park next after Diwali festival
Walking through the park was a precious experience today. there were few walkers which meant more space to walk leisurely through the park. To accompany the serenity that prevailed in the park , there was the chirping of birds. They survived in the concrete jungle. I counted alteast five varieties of birds – house sparrow, house crow, pigeon, myna and kite. Usually the birds cannot be spotted amidst the crowd of walkers. Their beautiful songs diluted in the cities noise. A mongoose fearlessly crossed the paths and squirrels in large number busily nibbled some food.
Even at 9:00 in the morning the day was still young and the sun was slow to make an entry. Today the walk was really perfect as I had no fear of bumping others while walking fast; the calm in the park refreshed the mind. The day after a Delhi diwali was a gift to the walkers!
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