Top 7 Grooming Products for Men
The morning routine of most men hasn’t evolved to this day beyond shaving and washing face with the closest bar of soap. Time has come when changes must be made! Why? There are many reasons. First of all, skin is your biggest organ and if you want to look nice you should pay more attention to it. Other than that, well ladies love guys that look and smell fresh.
I know that you are not one of those guys that will spend two hours in front of the mirror, neither am I. During past few months I was checking for some grooming products for men that are easy to use, don’t take much time to apply or wash. Of course, you will be thanking yourself one day for actually doing something for yourself before it is too late.
Cleanser with Charcoal
The key ingredient in this cream is charcoal that is known to be one of the best absorbing materials. It is like a magnet that captures dirt from pores. Once you wash your face with it, you will have that squeaky clean feeling. A small package of this product will last you for a long time if it foams really well.
Exfoliating Scrub
When your skin is full of dirt after a day out, workout outdoors or any other a bit more extreme situation you will need to pull cleanse properly. Exfoliating Scrub is amazing grooming product that will take care of anything. What is more important, it is great to use before shaving as it will clean dead cells from your face.
Shaving Cream
I have really sensitive skin so whenever I change my shaving cream I get a nasty rash. Anyway, a friend of mine was using a Shaving Cream and forced me to try it. Being a good friend, I just took it to prove that I’ll get a rash. First of all, to clear this up – no, there was no any kind of rash. Moreover, I was feeling amazing after shaving. The scent is so amazing that I had a feeling almost all day that I got my morning shave in some exclusive barber shop. This cream is not cheap but it is well worth every cent!
Post Shave Balm
For the past 5 years, I am using the same Post Shave Balm. It is a must for me. Its alcohol and fragrance-free balm with vitamin E and chamomile. As I said, I have a great difficulty keeping my skin rash free so I will recommend everyone to use it. In combination with my Shaving Cream, it works amazing. You won’t need anything more than this.
Anti-Aging Serum
The anti-ageing serum is not a must for sure but when you decide to put a little effort to keep yourself clean and protected during the day. The cream that I use is clinically tested and proven to deliver anti-ageing results.
Anti-Fatigue Eye Gel for Men
We all know that amazing “racoon” morning look with black circles and puffy bags under eyes. In order to fix this issue, Anti-Fatigue Eye Gel with cooling effect is interesting grooming product that you should consider. It comes with a roller ball that helps with applying it around the eyes.
Beard Oil – Conditioner and Softener
If you have a beard, you really need to consider using a product that will keep it nice, straight and fragrant. Moreover, it will clean those nasty skin flakes. I use a beard oil which is suitable for all skin types as it comes with vitamin A, Jojoba Oil, Sandalwood Oil and Apricot Kernel Oil. It comes in a pretty small bottle but you will need just 2-4 drops of bear oil to make your beard softer and shinier.
We don’t live in a cave anymore. If you want to feel good and look good you need to take care of yourself. Self-confidence is the biggest problem for every modern man. By using grooming product for men that I have listed, you will not lose belly fat or be prettier but you will be more appealing for sure. So, next time when you take your date to a dinner and rise your wine glass you will be confident that you look best you can.
Emil Sipos is Google Analytics Certified webmaster, SEO specialist, professional blogger, knowledge seeker and passionate traveller. His current focus is on lifestyle, personal improvement, wine glasses and other things that can make his life better and more interesting.[/plain]