Around the world in a wheelchair -Nadia Clarke
You might know children with cerebral palsy, who is the child of your friend, relative or a neighbor, who is bed ridden and you sympathies with the family which is taking care of the child. Nadia could have ended up simply lying in a corner of her house had it not been for the determination of her parent and the will power of Nadia herself. Her parents ensured that she studied in a regular school with her 9 siblings, for which they had to change locations. Now she travels around the world in wheel chair
Nadia Clarke has cerebral palsy and she is deaf from her birth. At the age of 5, she got a wheelchair and a communication aid implanted on that. Her communication aid is her voice which she uses to communicate. Using the communicative aid is not easy. When she is talking to someone, her support staff communicates to her using signs. Then she makes sentence using the communication aid. Her communication aid consist of hundreds of words. It takes couple of minutes for Nadia to form a simple sentence.
The process of communicating with the aid is lot of hard work for Naida and her support staff, and sometimes a bit boring for the listeners because of the long gap in between the communication. But that doesn’t stop Nadia from communicating and globe trotting.
The Guardian Newspaper describes Nadia’s mother as someone with turbo energy which she has passed on to her children. Her parent were determined that she studied in a normal school, hence they had to shift to different localities to send Nadia to schools that accepted her along with her brothers and sisters.
Nadia completed high school and level 2 in health and social care. Here next aim is to attend the university.
Nadia has got indomitable spirit and she is supported by an organisation 1 voice. She has travelled around the world to Europe, US, Asia, Australia, etc. She blogs about all her experiences in her blog. One of her dream destination was India, and so now she was in India and she is quiet excited to visit Taj Mahal.
When she came to India she visited Anchal-Centre for differently abled children. She interacted with the children and their parents using her communication aid and her interpreters Samantha Jayne Green and Tanya Louise Perry. Sibi, a student of Anchal refused at first to dance because she thought her costume was too long and she might fall. But the teachers and parents convinced her to dance. Before leaving Aanchal Nadia called Sibi and congratulated her for being so brave to overcome the obstacle.
Nadia is all smiles always from her childhood picture upto now. Because she goes around the world in wheel chair. On her trips she encourages children like her to move ahead in life and to explore opportunities. Her biggest gift in life was the communication aid. The aid for deaf and dumb people protects her from abusers, because they can always communicate.
She said her mother was the reason for her evergreen smile. Her mother told her to wake up with a smile and to remain positive always.