Climate Change News, is that enough?
As the COP27 is going on. The Climate Change Conference. The UN Climate Change Conference, in Sharm-el Sheikh, Egypt. I was doing some paper cutting of the Climate Change News that happened recently. That’s when this idea struck me. How much Climate Change News do we get to read in the News Papers?
Collected Climate Change News Paper Cuttings
I collected some newspapers from October and November from one National Daily. Let it be any National daily. I collected news from one National Daily. I could get 21 newspapers in October and 11 in November. Today is November 14th. Till November 11th I got the Newspapers. Then I cut out the Climate Change News that has appeared and I thought I will paste them on a Newspaper to show how much of Climate Change News we get to consume everyday.
On the first page I pasted the November Climate Change News. That included one piece of news from November 5th. Maybe some more are there inside. November 8th, November 6th, November 6th again, November 2nd, November 8th again. So there are six News in the first page. Six news items on the second page There are big news, small news, and the amount of news. What we are analysing here is how many pages of news had come.
In this month of November 3 ½ pages of Climate change has appeared in this National Daily. In October there was 1/2 pages of News. 31/2 pages of News in the first 10 days of November and ½ page of news in 21 days in October. The reason why so much news came is there in November is because COP is going on. And it is an yearly event for two weeks. Connected with that just before that and after an event there will be a lot of events and news. Just like festival seasons.
On an average there are 18 pages in Newspaper daily. Of there 278 pages of news in 21 days of october only 1/2 a page of Climate Change News was present. And in 11 days of November with 198 pages, only 31/2 pages of Climate Change News was there.
News during festival season
Christmas, Diwali. All those times, before the festival begins, one or two days before the events, you will see news coming and when the event starts many pages will be covered with the festival news. In that way because COP is going on we have Climate Change News in Large quantities. But in October, we have very little of the Climat News.
My question is, Is this e enough? Again after the conference, the news coverage will come down. And Most of the day there won’t be any climate change news. My question is, is that enough?
What is News
NEWS means you are reporting whatever events happening around. That information is shared with the readers. So newspapers share political news, sports news, accidents, pollution, Crime, all those events. But when you read those news…. you go to the office, you talk about it, you don’t have much to act.
But Climate Change News is happening everyday. Everyday you say “The winter is very late, that is because of Climate Change, The rain is not normal, this is because of Climate Change”. You know when an weather event is happening, it is because of Climate Change, but we are not reporting it prominently. Every human has something to act on in Climate Change. Every human has to contribute to reducing the effect of climate change. We all have a part. My question is, is this enough? Is the amount of Climate Change News appearing in the Newspaper enough? Lots of News is appearing around the world, and I think one news per day can be published.
At Least a small column of News, for everyday for 30 days. That much information there is in the world about Climate Change. It should be given prominence. All these news came in inside pages, I think the Climate Change News should come in the front page and it should be given with prominence.
Because Climate Change is affecting the entire human race, it has to get a lot of space. We need to give lot of space in the Newspaper. Do you think Climate Change is given enough space in the Newspapers? Does it get the prominence that it should get? Is this much of News enough? That is my question. You can think about it and comment.