5 ways for #CuttingPaani usage at home
Every Mumbaikar knows the meaning of, ‘Cutting Chai’. For the rest of the world, cutting chai means half a cup of tea that is cheaper than a full cup’ yet enough to get refreshed.
Now Livpure has started a campaign #CuttingPaani to spread awareness about the rising shortage of potable water globally. CuttingPaani means – drink as much you thrist. If thirst is little, then drink only half a glass of water.
A small but impactful campaign to make each person responsible to take steps to preserve drinking water.
When one hears of the water crisis, the first picture that comes to mind is of the viral news of the water shortage in Cape Town. A city with 4 million people provides just 50-litre water per day for a person.
In the US a person gets 350 litres of water per day. And very soon, a ‘zero-day’ will arrive in Cape Town when one million households in the city will not get any running water.
What is happening in Cape Town, is a bleak story of what every city in the world can expect. Interestingly, one reason for the water crisis according to reports is ‘poor water management’ and ‘insufficient preparation’.
We fear there will be Zero-day in Bengaluru. According to reports if the rainwater is harvested properly, the water crisis in Bengaluru can be managed. Which means if we manage our water we can avoid the zero-day.
Cuttingpaani is the first initiative in the direction of saving water. We can save water by #cuttingpaani in a number of our activities at home.
Drink less water in the night
One must drink 3 to 4 litres of water in a day. But the majority should be consumed in the daytime. Having more water in the night may lead to kidney and other ailments.
No water-thirsty plants at home
You might have indoor plants, outdoor plants and kitchen gardens at home. Some plants like Cactus family and aloe vera require very little water. Some plants and soils require water only to be sprayed. Keep only those plants at home that requires hardly any water.
Avoid using tap water directly
For bathing use bucket and mug. For brushing and shaving use water in a mug. Wash dishes by taking water in a small basin. Avoiding tap water usage directly saves a lot of water.
Handwash some clothes
Handwashing requires only that much water as is required in the first round of washing in a washing machine. For a washing machine, at least 12 to 15 buckets of water is for three rounds – one washing and two rinsing sessions. Whereas in hand wash the whole activity will be over in 3 buckets of water.
Mop the veranda floor, do not wash
A common view in Indian cities is to see hose pipe with running water being used to clean veranda. Mostly maids just waist the water pouring the water on all the vehicles, plants, gates and so on. Using a hosepipe to clean is an easy but water-wasting method of cleaning. Mop the veranda floor to save water.
If we use our resources more reasonably and collectively we can avoid a zero-day.
Also, sing the petition for CuttingPaani to spread the awareness to fill the glass with only as much water as you have thirst. Watch the video to know more about the campaign.