EMS technology for complete health and fitness
To remain fit and healthy one needs to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet and in addition use gadgets like EMS technology. In India, 90% of the population do not follow any health and fitness regime or a healthy diet, although, we are aware of the benefits of exercise and diet.
But we are unable to follow a health and fitness regime for a long time. There are many reasons to why we cannot follow a fitness regime:
- India is not a sporting nation.
- Health and fitness come last our list of priorities of our daily routine.
- Most people leave early in the morning for office and come late in the evening, so there is the time constraint.
- Exercise and walks make you feel tired, thereby making you cut short some other daily routines.
- There is no time to exercise after the daily chores.
Benefits of EMS fitness training
EMS technology, used at ZYNK Fitness Studio, gives you fitness and health by just working out for 30 minutes, every week, in their fitness studio.
How the EMS technology works
Electro Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology stimulates the muscles in the body just as in workouts. The movement of the muscles, known the contraction, wherby the fitness achieved from exercise depends on the number of contractions of the muscles. The EMS technology used at Zink produces 3600 contractions in 30 minutes , a task not achieved even by two hours of Gym exercise.
In a normal gym routine, on every done by the muscle the message reaches the brain. Thus the process becomes tiring. In the EMS technology, every contraction produced by the electrode is effective as 10 contractions in a normal gym workout. By the time the information of one contraction reaches the brain, the muscle has already done 10 contractions with the EMS. Therefore we feel relaxed while doing an EMS fitness routine.
The Zynk fitness trainers say that during a normal gym routine some of the muscles do not get exercise. But in EMS training, 90% of the body muscles are activated.
The person is made to wear a specially made jacket with EMS electrodes. The size of the jacket varies from person to person. The EMS used at Zynk fitness is wireless.
Who can do the workout using EMS
This technology has been used by professional athletes like Usain Bolt, Karim Benzema, and many others. Athletes do EMS training for more strength, more endurance, more speed and more flexibility. EMS shot into prominence when YohanKots, a Soviet Scientist, revealed that EMS could boost strength by up to 40% in elite athletes.
Weight loss
According to Vani Trivedi, of Zynk Fitness, “For 48hours after workout body in on a weight loss mode.” With a proper diet and EMS training, you can lose weight in 90 days.
Sitting job complications
For those who suffer from neck and back pain due to continuous sitting jobs, EMS therapy is very effective. EMS technology used in rehabilitation and training for people under physiotherapy.
Post pregnancy
EMS helps to tone the body and helps achieve the original weight and tone. It supports the regeneration of deep muscle fibres and connective tissues affected by pregnancy.
Benefits of using EMS
All areas of the muscles are covered
In the gym, all areas are not covered. But with EMS 90% of the muscles are covered. Electrode works all over the body.
Improves skin tone
EMS is very effective for skin. The skin glows after undergoing the training. As one gets older skin gets sagging, and it not toned and tight. Your skin tone improves with EMS training.
Keeps you young for longer
Growth hormones are responsible for our looking younger. Celebrities do botox to look younger. By EMS training you can boost growth hormones well. It will keep you younger for longer.
Keeps you fit and healthier
When you age, size of bone gets weaker and smaller. EMS does systematic work of bones and muscles and not joints. You feel oiling happened in every bone. Every bone feels fresh and light. Therefore your confidence increases.
There is an overall improvement in health and fitness because of deep tissue strengthening, improvement in the cardiovascular system and improvement in blood circulation.
Why at zynk Fitness?
There are over 1000 similar centres around the world, this is the first EMS fitness studio in India. You can workout without being tired. Even after having a long day’s works you feel rejuvenated after the Zynk fitness training.
Besides if you come for the Zynk fitness session before going to the office, you can have a shower and look fresh. As there is negligible sweating you feel relaxed after the workout.
The is no pain of exercise and you do ten times more of fitness training. The trainers at Zynk say that EMS works on the muscles and bones, and not on the joints. Injuries happen when there is overload on the joints.
According to the Zynk fitness trainer, the EMS workouts produce long-lasting results using simpler workouts.